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Author: Drifting Explorer

Homeschool Dad

Well we decided to take the exciting, terrifying and at times insane journey into homeschooling. Yes we are the arrogant folk that believe that we can teach our children without proper credentials, save one…I am their father. Yes some would say that its not a credential and I agree its not a proper teaching credential but the following are the reasons I believe I am uniquely qualified to be their teacher.

I have a particular set of skills, Skills I have acquired over a long career… as their father.

  •       No one knows my kids as good as me and their mom
  •       I better understand their strengths and weaknesses
  •       I know how to get through to them and know when they are understanding something
  •       I care about their education on a personal level
  •       I have time to give them personalized attention
  •       In the end, no matter how they are educated, their growth is my responsibility

Teaching someone something makes you a better student of it. 

“By learning you will teach; By teaching you will learn” Latin Proverb

This is possibly the most beautiful part of homeschooling,  As you teach you learn so much.

If you want to home school your kids but feel unqualified, your not alone and I am here to say otherwise.

Your qualified and know much more than you think, Also with the resources available you can quickly brush up on anything you need to know. Also you don’t have to be the only one that teaches your child, point them towards good resources and people that can teach them the particular information. You don’t have to be the only source of information and you shouldn’t be, point them towards books, programs, videos, lectures, nature, you get the point.

Whether you are a homeschooler, unschooler, worldschooler, hackschooler, or you fill in the blank schooler. Good luck and happy educating.


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